Details of 2v2 Teamfight Tactics – TFT mode, Perfect Couple mode season 6

Even before Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 6 came out, we knew about the game’s new updates. Including the mechanism to Upgrade Technology, champions, clans, summoned beasts and new arenas, there is also a new game mode for gamers that is Duel – Duel.

Or many people call it 2v2 duel, but it’s officially called Perfect Couple. This mode will pair you with another player to play against the remaining 3 pairs. So how it works, you can check out the content below.

What is the score of Perfect Couple mode?

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Similar to Crazy Dice mode, there are five ranks that gamers can achieve in this mode: Gray (no points), Green (1,400 points), Blue (2,600 points), Purple (3,400 points). points) and Double Tier (4,200 points). With crown couple badge instead of lightning like in Hyper Roll mode.

The mechanism of blood loss in the Teamfight Tactics – TFT Duel mode season 6

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You and your ally will have a common health bar, and this health bar will subtract the total loss of both of you. For example, your ally loses first and loses 5 health, then you lose again and subtract 3 health, both will be deducted 8 health each. If only you or your ally lose, both will only be deducted from the loser’s health.

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At the end of the game, if there are only 2 teams left, then you and your allies have a very small amount of health that if both lose, they will not have all their health deducted and are eliminated from the game. Regardless at that time the enemy team has all the high-priced champions and many stars. Both will only have 1 health left and in the next game if they lose, then the game is really over.

Mechanism of mutual support in the Teamfight Tactics – TFT Team Battle season 6

Human resources support

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This is the point that can help you flip the bet if your team is weak. If you defeat the enemy team while your ally is still fighting, then all your champions will have 3 seconds to jump to the ally’s board and support them with the same number of champions and health as when they won the battle.

Conversely, if your ally wins, they will also transfer all their resources to your arena to support. When allies jump into your arena, they also bring all the clan buffs, stacks, and technology upgrades they have to you. However, they will not enjoy the Tech Upgrade effect you have.

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Another way to help is that you can send champions to your allies via the Send Support Hero item. This is a consumable item and when you throw it at a champion that wants to aid your ally, you just need to throw this item at that champion. Aid champions will be sent as special loot gems.

Equipment Aid

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In addition to champions, you can also send equipment or gold to your allies. There will be an inventory of equipment appearing in rounds 2-5 and 6-2 for you to choose and send to your allies. Component equipment inventory in round 2-5 and complete equipment in round 6-2.

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In general, this matchmaking mode will improve teamwork and support each other in this Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 6 skirmish. Although you do not actively support your allies in combat strength, you can support them with champions and items.

As the picture above, without ad’s allies to support, the ad will not get Urgot Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 6 3 stars and reach TOP 1. Currently, the Perfect Couple mode is only experimental and may change in the near future before being updated to gamers in the upcoming Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.23 update.

Source link: Details of 2v2 Teamfight Tactics – TFT mode, Perfect Couple mode season 6

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