Dress up the Darkness Vayne season 5, the Vayne Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5

Vayne seems to be “taking the place” for Draven as she is chosen by many gamers to be the carry of the Suy Vong roster. A champion that seemed very fuzzy in the Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5 meta earlier. Or if there is a more frequent appearance, then Vayne will be in the Archer lineup.

And after Vayne was famous, more and more people came to her, Vayne gained 3 stars easily and was able to match items right from the beginning of the game. So the damage of the team with Vayne taking the early game win streak is quite high.

Vayne’s gear is quite easy to build as she pawns are similar to many other famous archers like Aphelios, Ashe and Varus. But as for the Darkness map, many gamers still do not know what Vayne needs. Some suggestions below will help you know what Dark equipment Vayne needs.

Vayne Teamfight Tactics – TFT’s stats, skills, and clan buffs

Clan buff

bought by dtcl dtcl 5

bought by dtcl dtcl 5

Vayne will gain quite a bit of power when the Suy Vong mark reaches 6 and can stack up stats if she has Darkness. Combined with the attack speed coming from the Archers will help Vayne deal continuous damage to the enemy team.

However, you cannot have 6 Failure and 4 Archers at the same time, unless you have Dark Yellow Shovel. So it is necessary to dress Vayne to suit the team, especially Darkness.

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Indexes, skills

dtcl buy 5

  • Cost: 1
  • Blood: 500/900/1620
  • Calories: 0
  • Armor: 15
  • Magic Resist: 15
  • DPS: 20/36/65
  • Damage: 25/45/81
  • Attack Speed: 0.8
  • Crit rate: 25%
  • Attack Range: 4

Silver Arrow – Intrinsic: Vayne’s attacks apply Silver Rays. Third attack consumes all stacks on target to deal bonus true damage.

  • Damage: 85/110/160
  • Location: Back row

Equip Vayne Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5 best


If you see a lot of Dark Dark equipment components but it doesn’t suit Vayne. You can pair the clothes for her as well. Vayne will need a lot of BF Sword and Wooden Bow, followed by Oversize Wand, Training Gloves and Silver Cloak.

by the way

Also if you see BF Sword> Wooden Bow> Oversize Wand> Training Gloves. If you have matched the Dark Zeke’s Flag, don’t let Vayne stand near other archers. Or if you stand next to it, you need to match the regular Zeke’s and give it to Kindred or Ryze to compensate for the lost attack speed.

by the way

With the Rage of the Darkness, please clip more Dark Rageblade, remember that the Dark Blade is always accompanied by the Blood Sword to shield when Vayne’s health decreases.

by the way

Vayne Teamfight Tactics – TFT roster season 5

Vayne 6 Suy Vong

6 Failure will depend on which champion you earn more. Priority is given to Ryze, Thresh, Hecarim, to be able to combine multiple resistances and crowd control in the team.

squad loanne dtcl season 5

Vayne 4 Archers

The attack speed that Vayne gets in the 4-Archer formation is quite large, so you may not need the Rageblade but just pair the dame + defense for her. Priority should be given to Dark Dark items if possible.

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dtcl buy 5

Going around Vayne currently in the Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5 meta is still only in the Suy Vong or Archers squad. Archers will be easier to turn cards because Vayne can be combined with many other races waiting for Aphelios and Kindred to appear.

As for Suy Vong, you will have to spend more money to perfect the tank champions of Suy Vong because if you gather 6 Suy Vong to become stronger, you will have quite a few other clans in your team to combine.

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Source link: Dress up the Darkness Vayne season 5, the Vayne Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5

– https://techtipsnreview.com/

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