Dressed up Katarina DTCL, standard map Katarina DTCL 4.5

Katarina is a 3-money general chosen by many gamers as the mainstay in a number of squads such as Assassins, Warriors, DTCL 4.5. Especially Than Tai when this formation is quite lacking in damage from the beginning to the middle of the game.

And even in any formation, Katarina also needs to have items in order to maximize her strength. Should be the question of dressing Katarina, the suitable formation for Katarina so that she becomes the strongest is what gamers often ask when meeting this girl.

Katarina’s stats, clan and skills in The Arena of Truth 4.5

The Katarina clan

katarina dtcl

katarina dtcl

Assassins and Warriors will increase Katarina’s strength, with Assassin’s damage and stats support from Warriors. Katarina may not need to be a Tinh Anh general and still be a strong main hero, as long as she is 3 stars.

katarina dtcl

As for the buff Than Tai, you will be required to have all 5 Gods and have the God of Fortune to get rich.

Because he is a champion with 3 buffs, Katarina is quite flexible in any lineup. You can go in the directions such as the Divine Mercy formation, the Ninja Assassin, the Reroll Assassin, the 9 DTCL Warriors.

Dress up Katarina The Truth Arena 4.5

The damage item for Katarina will be Gloves, Justice Hand, Green Amulet, Giant Power Grants additional magic damage to her. The equipment to assist in defense and regeneration is Algorithm Cloak, Hextech Gun Sword, Angel Armor.

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len by katarina dtcl 4.5

Lineup Katarina DTCL 4.5, Lineup build Katarina DTCL

6 Chess Combinations

len by katarina dtcl 4.5

This 6-Battalion lineup has a lot of flexible combinations. But first you have to find all 6 Heroes, and then you can gather the remaining generals on the board.

This lineup is absolutely possible to have a winning streak from the very beginning of the game as there are several champions that stand from start to finish. If you want to change you can replace Kalista with Lee Sin.

6 God of Fortune

len by katarina dtcl 4.5

6 Than Tai is also a pretty flexible team combination, but you also need to find 6 Than Tai with Tinh Anh Than Tai. At the end of the game you can add Olaf or Samira to get the Butcher or add up to 4 Assassins to increase Katarina’s damage.

9 War Heroes

len by katarina dtcl 4.5

This formation requires you to find a Warrior General Tinh Anh, you can choose Katarina for this position. And you also need to find the Battle Flag before you reach 9 Chess. It can be given to a final champion in a 5 gold game like Sett or Lee Sin. If you cannot get 9 Heroes, you can turn to 6 Heroes.

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Source link: Dressed up Katarina DTCL, standard map Katarina DTCL 4.5

– https://techtipsnreview.com/

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