How to remix Reels video on Instagram

The Remix on Reels feature on Instagram has been made available to users to create interactive videos with other Instagram accounts on Reels. This feature is similar to TikTok’s existing Duet feature. We can then combine the Reels video from another account and add the details to create the remixed video like when you created the Reels video on Instagram. However, users should note that to be able to remix the video, it must be a new video uploaded to Reels Instagram so there will be videos you cannot remix. The following article will guide you to read how to use the Remix on Reels feature on Instagram.

Instructions for remixing Reels video on Instagram

Step 1:

In the interface on Instagram, click Reels icon on Instagram at the bottom of the application interface. You will now see all the videos on Reels from other Instagram accounts. Now you select the video you want to remix then choose to enter 3 dot icon, choose next Remix footage.

Step 2:

Soon you will see the video interface has been paired together, one side is the video you choose and the other is your current camera. Friend Press the center button to start recording video, or maybe Video effects selection to insert your video by swiping right to find the video. Then you also proceed to record video.

Step 3:

The video you have finished recording will display the editing interface. You click 3 dash icon to thing adjust loud and small sound in video.

Alternatively we can click Microphone icon to record the sound you say. Press the red round button to proceed with voice recording for the video.

Step 4:

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Then display the interface to choose the cover image for the remix video on Reels Instagram, or press always Share button to post a remix video. When you click on the remix video you also have the options as shown below.

Video tutorial to use Instagram Reels Remix feature

Source link: How to remix Reels video on Instagram


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