Jinx Teamfight Tactics – TFT: Team, standard item Jinx Recycling Gunner

Just like Kai’Sa Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 6, Jinx is also considered one of the strong late-game Teamfight Tactics – TFT carry season 6 champions. She is one of 14 generals with three clans along with her younger brother – Vi.

If the two sisters stand together in Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 6, both will activate their advantages. Vi gains attack range and Jinx gains attack speed.

Jinx’s season 6 Teamfight Tactics – TFT clan system also gives her the advantage that if she has enough items and goes with the Recyclers, she will have more armor and complete the component equipment. Rifles will give Jinx the ability to attack twice more. The standard outfit for Jinx and the right lineup you can see below if you want to see how strong she is in this season 6.

Jinx Teamfight Tactics – TFT Season 6 Skills, Stats and Clans


jinx season 6 dtcl

jinx dtcl buy 6

Recycling will give Jinx increased defense, and other Recyclers on the team also have detrimental effects on the team. Having more Vi standing with Trundle will support Jinx’s attack speed and buff Sister. Jinx will shoot more if there are enough Strikers in the team and cast faster.

Skills and stats


Personal stats (updating)

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  • Jinx rides a rocket into the sky, landing in the middle of the ring after a short time. Enemies outside the range take 600/900/7777 magic damage, while enemies inside the explosion take 50% damage. Allies and enemies inside the missile hit area except Jinx will be burned for 2/2.5/3% damage.

Gear up for Jinx Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 6, standard Jinx Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 6

Jinx needs more Wooden Bow > BF Sword > Oversized Staff and Training Gloves. Tears can be obtained easily because few people spend. Jinx’s items can be given to any Archer general to hold, while Recycling can be given to Ezreal to help.

jinx dtcl . lineup

Jinx season 6 lineup Teamfight Tactics – TFT

Jinx 6 Recycle

dtcl season 6 lineup

Let’s start with the basics, if there are enough Recycles in the squad. You will have all the elements such as defense, recovery, control, defense. Especially Recycling items may not need to be assembled into complete items because if you gather enough 6 buffs, the component items for Recyclers will turn into complete items. Unless you actively pair the necessary equipment for your champion.

Jayce will be a support character next to Jinx in the late game. Putting Jayce on the team with Vi will give the team more control. Janna will stand to heal, Blitz can pull the carry game for the champions to prioritize.

Jinx Contact Shooter

jinx dtcl season 6 lineup

Similar to Jinx 6 Recycling above, but this lineup will be slightly changed when Urgot will be a secondary champion next to Jinx and add more guns. At the same time, the Foreign Soldiers also help the team get more gold.

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Jinx 5 Foreign Soldiers

dtcl season 6 lineup

The feeling of exploding jars will return to gamers when choosing Foreign Soldiers. The keeper for Jinx on this team will be Gangplank, which is considered an effective carry in the middle of the game. Along with other members like Miss Fortune will support more damage and defense like Illaoi, Trundle, Vi… Once you have a winning streak and save a lot of money, it’s possible to level up and find Jinx quickly. .

Although sometimes a bit “squeezing the team”, Jinx is still an indispensable choice in the late game when players follow Recycle or Contact. In addition, you can use Jinx simply as a strong 5 gold damage champion late game if you have a lot of money and can get stars, standard item for Jinx.

Source link: Jinx Teamfight Tactics – TFT: Team, standard item Jinx Recycling Gunner
– https://techtipsnreview.com/

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