Show keywords on Google with SEO SearchTerms Tagging

Previously, the WordPress library had a pretty SEO related plugin called SEO SearchTerm Tagging 2 with the function of displaying keywords that brought visits from Google to the website in articles or widgets. For example, someone uses the keyword “abc” to search on Google and clicks on your post “A”, then under that post “A” will have the keyword “abc”. It looks like the picture below:

seo-searchterm-tagging2Or you can watch it live here.

However, the sad news is that this plugin has been deprecated and the author has removed it from the WordPress gallery. But the good news is that I still have the latest version saved before it was deleted, and if you have programming skills, you can continue to develop it yourself if you want, but for now, the plugin is still usable.

Download SEO SearchTerm Tagging 2

Display keywords on Google with SEO SearchTerms Tagging 15


After the installation is complete, you can go to its function setting page at Settings -> SEO SearchTerms 2. Here it only has some simple options such as customizing list tags, attaching links to keywords, etc. However, I only use the settings as below.

seo-searchterm-tagging2-2Ok, now you wait a day or a few days, remember to clear the entire website cache for this plugin to take effect. After a few days, you can go back to this settings page and see the statistics of the keywords that have visited the website.


And if you want to display your website’s keywords in the sidebar, you can use the SEO SearchTerms widget in Appearance -> Widgets.

Display keywords on Google with SEO SearchTerms Tagging 15


That’s all, in general, this plugin is also very simple to use, so it only takes a few steps to be able to use it right away. Note that if your website does not have a high ranking on Google, or has few visits from Google, it may display very old keywords, but you can remove unwanted keywords with the function. Delete Search Terms at the settings page.

See more:  Disable Emoji feature in WordPress 4.2

Good luck.

Source: Show keywords on Google with SEO SearchTerms Tagging
– TechtipsnReview

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