Standard Vel’Koz Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5, on Angel Vel’Koz

Diana, Aphelios, Jax, Karma, Draven Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5 are all powerful 4-gold team champions that any gamer wants to have. In which, Vel’Koz is also a powerful carry gold general that many gamers choose because of its high damage skills.

In Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 3, we saw how strong Vel’Koz was. Despite being criticized for being “unable to draw” and sometimes allowing damage to the enemy hero. But in this season 5 Teamfight Tactics – TFT, the skill of Vel’Koz is still the “lane” but will draw a bigger and longer line so that the gamers feel “high” when the enemy hero is hit by this line.

In order for Vel’Koz Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5 to stay long enough on the ring, it is necessary to team up and build up the standard gear for him. The content below will help you know what Vel’Koz needs in season 5.

Vel’Koz season 5 stats, skills, clan

Tribe Buff

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It is clear that Vel’Koz will benefit from the death of his teammates. The more Angel allies destroyed, the stronger Vel’Koz and the rest of the champions become.

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The Tear of the Goddess will be essential equipment for Mages if they want to gain more AP. Brand will be the lowest mana champion they have so they can throw Blue buffs to him. Vel’Koz will also need Blue buff if he wants to cast a quick spell. However, if you do not have much Tears, you just need to equip VelKoz with dame gear.

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Dress up Velkoz Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5, standard Velkoz Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5

As a Magician, Vel’Koz needs magic most, although Vel’Koz’s health is quite weak, but with Angel buff, Vel’Koz will stand long enough on the ring to cast the ability. Prioritize Oversize Sticks> Training Gloves> Tears> Giant Belt> BF Sword.

velkoz dtcl 5

Lineup VelKoz season 5 Teamfight Tactics – TFT

Vel’Koz 6 Angels

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6 Angels combine with other races around to create a good support formation for Vel’koz. Tanker champions like Aatrox and Leona will help Vel’Koz benefit first from the Angels.

You can give Vel’Koz items to Syndra for hand, then in the late game when you find more Vel’Koz, let Syndra go.

Vel’Koz 4 Mage

Including 4 Mages and various clans combined around to support Vel’Koz, you can choose from 3 Zombies or 3 Impulses 2 Knights besides 4 Mages, 3 Angels, 2 Mysteries .

If you have a Gold Shovel + Silver Cloak you can pair up the Angel Badge and throw it to Zyra and turn your team into 4 Mages + 6 Angels.

Like many other major damage generals, Vel’Koz needs to be wrapped up thoroughly to cast as much attack as possible. It is important that you turn your team around so that when you find Vel’Koz, your team is strong enough to make a comeback, like Draven in this Season 5’s Suy Vong Teamfight Tactics – TFT roster.

Alternatively, you could quickly try out Vel’Koz with the above lineups in season 5 Hyper Roll mode.

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Source link: Standard Vel’Koz Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5, on Angel Vel’Koz


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