What do the heart colors on Messenger mean?

On the keyboard, when you click on the symbol, there will be a separate symbol item, including a heart symbol with different colors. In fact, the Facebook icon set is very rich and diverse with many different themes for users to choose from for different situations. With the Messenger heart icon, you can choose from different colors to use in different situations to express what you want to say to the other party. Each heart color represents multiple layers of meaning. The following article will decode the heart color meanings on Messenger.

How to use the heart icon on Messenger

At the messaging interface with the other party on Messenger, click Globe icon. Then click next item Icons to open the symbol theme on the keyboard.

Then you find it Item Symbols with symbols as shown below. We will see hearts in different colors, representing different meanings.

Meaning of heart color on Messenger

What does the red heart mean?

The red heart is certainly not strange to everyone. Red hearts show affection for the other party. In addition, it also has the meaning of encouraging and comforting them.

Green heart meaning

Green heart means optimism, effort for a problem. When you send green hearts to your opponent, they will feel encouraged at the right time. This meaning is due to the fact that green represents plants, the constant development of the seedlings.

What does the blue heart mean?

Unlike green, blue evokes envelopment and protection. When you receive someone’s blue heart, they want to show you affection, but not the red heart to show love.

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What does the orange and yellow heart mean?

Yellow and orange hearts represent success, victory and are creative people who always strive for their own goals. In addition, these 2 hearts also show their optimism.

Black heart on Messenger

The black color of the heart on Messenger represents some mystery, mystery that the other party wants to send you. In addition, the black heart also shows the courage and steadfast will of itself. In some cases, the black heart also represents coldness and death, so you need to understand the situation clearly before sending this icon.

Purple Heart on Messenger

Purple represents passion, passion. For some subjects, purple hearts also represent a third gender.

Source link: What do the heart colors on Messenger mean?

– https://techtipsnreview.com/

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