How to build a DTCL Duel squad season 4

Song Duet is an interesting season 4 DTCL clan. With increased movement speed and 8 stacks of attack speed, Song Duel is a very good damage tribe and is one of the clans that have a lot of presence in the strong lineup this season 4.

In the list of DTCL generals season 4, General Song Du is considered the easiest clan to combine. However, such a power also has disadvantages that the enemy can exploit. They are easy to be destroyed before they can be done, Duels need to set up a star formation that is not “battered” from the start. Here’s how to build the Truth Arena Duel squad season 4.

Duel Generals and clan buff properties

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Passive: Duel Champions gain Movement Speed. Duel champion’s attacks grant Attack Speed, stacking up to 8 times.

  • 2 Duels: + 12% Attack Speed ​​per stack
  • 4 Duels: + 20% Attack Speed ​​per stack
  • 6 Duels: + 35% Attack Speed ​​per stack
  • 8 Duels: + 60% Attack Speed ​​per stack

With each percentage cumulative as above, Song Duels will have quite a large attack speed in the match to help them destroy the enemy team more quickly. But if not combined with other tank champions, Duel will probably die before the attack speed is maximized.

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Advantages of the X-ray squad

  • Fast attack speed deals high damage late game if fullteam
  • There are many damage-causing champions in the team, especially Lee Sin
  • Easy to combine with many other families

Disadvantages of X-ray formation

  • Lack of control effect in team
  • Major general resisted well
  • It is difficult to complete the roster on late game without Duel Tinh Anh
  • Weak if you do not have enough items.

How to build a DTCL Duel squad season 4

Early game (Yasuo, Fiora, Jax, Kalista)

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The early game will be a pretty strong start since the first rounds are mostly basic attacks and don’t do a lot of damage. If battles last long, your champions will gain more attack speed and destroy the enemy team faster.

Fiora, Jax, Yasuo and Kalista will be the main champions in this lineup, and these 4 champions will give you a safe winning streak. Although a little bit of resilience, but it is not important in the early stages of this game.

Mid-game (Yasuo, Fiora, Jax, Kalista, Janna / Shen, Xin Zhao)

building song dtcl first

At this point, Duel will reach 6 champions if you have a Duel Duel champion in your team. Kalista will be the team’s main carry and with 35% attack speed stacking each time, the enemy team will die pretty quickly if she has enough items in hand.

The 6th champion in your team you can add is Janna or Shen depending on what you get. Janna gives the team more damage and resistance. Shen is a good damage absorbing champion, and if possible, throw him some tanky items like Animal Statue

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Late game (Yasuo, Lee Sin, Jax, Kalista, Janna, Shen, Xin Zhao)

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At the end of the game, if you recruit Lee Sin and Yone into your team, your team will have a lot of clan buffs. Not to mention Lee Sin can punch any enemy champion out of the ring. Anyone who gets caught up with Yone’s skills will also have adverse effects.

Recommended equipment:

  • Yasuo: Angel Armor, Hand of Justice, Infinity Sword
  • Kalista: Cuong Saber, Cuong Cung, Destroying Giant
  • Jax: Cloak of Fire, Ionic Lightning

Position each champion in the Duel lineup

Yasuo is placed in the top left corner because of his unique race, and in that position, Yasuo is not noticed by many generals. You can position Shen near Yasuo and Shen will absorb damage and let Yasuo slash enemy champions.

Fiora and Lee Sin are in the middle, with Jax defending the main carry on the right, Yone and Kalista. With that, Janna will be in the backline to support her teammates.

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Source content: How to build a DTCL Duel squad season 4

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