PowerPoint 2019 (Part 26): Check and protect your presentation

Before you share a presentation, you’ll want to make sure it doesn’t include any information you want to keep private. You can also discourage others from editing your files. Fortunately, PowerPoint includes a number of tools to help test and protect your presentation.

Document Inspector

Whenever you create or edit a presentation, certain personal information may automatically be added to the file – like information about the author of the document. You can use the Document Inspector to remove this type of information before sharing the presentation with others.

Because some changes may be permanent, you should use Save As to create a backup copy of your presentation before using the Document Inspector.

How to use Document Inspector

1. Click the tab File to move to Backstage view.

2. From the dashboard Infopress Check for Issuesthen select Inspect Document from the drop-down menu.

3. The Document Inspector will appear. Check or uncheck the boxes, depending on what you want to review, then click Inspect. The example will use the default selections.

4. The test results will show an exclamation point for any category where it finds potentially sensitive data and it will also have a button Remove All for each of these categories. Click Remove All to delete data.

5. When you’re done, click Close.

Protect your presentation

By default, anyone with access to the presentation will be able to open, copy, and edit its contents, unless you protect the file. There are several ways to protect a presentation, depending on your needs.

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How to protect documents

1. Click the tab File to move to Backstage view.

2. From the dashboard Infoclick command Protect Presentation.

3. In the drop-down menu, select the option that best suits your needs. The example will choose Mark as Final. Marking your presentation as final is a great way to discourage others from editing the file, while the other options give you more control if needed.

4. A dialog box will appear, prompting you to save. Press OK.

5. Another dialog box will appear. Press OK.

6. The presentation will be marked as final. Whenever someone else opens the file, a bar will appear at the top to prevent them from editing the document.

Marking a presentation as final won’t stop someone from editing the file, as they can only select Edit Anyway. If you want to prevent people from editing the file, you can use the option Restrict Access replace.

Source link: PowerPoint 2019 (Part 26): Check and protect your presentation
– https://techtipsnreview.com/

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