Dress up in Viego season 5 Teamfight Tactics – TFT, standard standard Viego Suy Vong Assassin

Viego as Assassin – Suy Vong – Warrior in season 5 of the CCP is being commented as one of the very powerful generals but also quite difficult to use in the game. Viego’s skill can turn an enemy champion into a “family member” by destroying that champion, even a monster can turn into a team’s monster if it is captured by Viego’s soul.

However, due to being an assassin, Viego will easily be “in the basket” if you do not know how to arrange the formation and dress him properly. Find out how effectively the Viego is used in season 5 of this Teamfight Tactics – TFT.

Indexes, skills and the Viego clan

Indexes and skills

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  • Price: 5 gold
  • Blood: 1000/1800/3240
  • Energy: 40
  • Armor: 40
  • Magical resistance: 40
  • DPS: 70/126/227
  • Damage: 70/126/227
  • Attack Speed: first
  • Crit rate: 25%
  • Attack range: first

Supreme domination: Viego stains the target’s soul for 5 seconds, stunning them and dealing 150/250/10000 Magic damage per second, increasing by 100% per second. Viego will be interrupted if he is stunned. If his victim dies, they will revive as a hero of your team with full health to fight for Viego, but will reduce HP as well. 15/7/0% maximum per second.

Viego’s allies in the team do not target Viego’s victims while they are being possessed, and possessed enemies benefit from your team’s Clan buff rather than their default Tribe.

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Location: Back row

The Viego clan

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viego dtcl buy 5

viego dtcl buy 5

Based on Viego’s clan, his damage is excessive, and even if he has armor from a Warrior, Viego still needs to have equipment on his body to be able to stand for a long time on the enemy team to draw the enemy hero to his team.

Dress up in Viego Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5, standard clothes Viego Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5

Viego needs most The Algorithm Cloak since it will remove all control effects. He only needs to stand long enough to cast the ability and if you can turn the enemy carry into your carry team, you really have half of the win in your hand.

Besides Dragon Claw is also an item that can help Viego survive longer. Ice Heart will help reduce the damage from the enemy, also a good equipment to hold the enemy’s foot.

Without a defense, you also need to prepare damage support for Viego because it will have the role of turning the enemy hero into your team champion faster. Infinity Sword and Spear Shojin would be the two suitable equipment for this.

Priority loading: Training Gloves> Silver Cloak> BF Sword> Mesh Armor> Tears> Oversized Stick.

len do viego dtcl

Viego Teamfight Tactics – TFT lineup season 5

Viego 4 Assassins

play viego dtcl season 5

Since Viego does not appear until after, you need to have a squad so that when you find him, you will not lose too much blood. The Assassins will serve as the background for Viego from the beginning to the middle of the game such as Kha’Zix, Leblanc, Nocturne, where Nocturne will be the main damage. By the end of the game Nocturne with Volibear and Ivern will be the revival and significant damage trio in this lineup.

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viego 4 assassins

If you want to complete the lineup early, you can choose 4 Assassins 3 Failure above. This lineup does not require as many 5 gold generals as above, but still has enough total defense.

So you can complete the formation early with the 4 Assassins and the above clans, give Kha’Zix hold Viego’s pawn until you find him.

6 Assassins

Compared to the two lineups of the 4 Assassins above, the 6 Assassins will lack resistance, but the damage from this buff is quite large, so Viego can quickly turn the enemy hero into the team’s champion. However, it is necessary to position them so that Viego can quickly approach the enemy carry in the back row.

6 Warriors 4 Dragons

squad viego

The Warrior will help Viego increase a rather thick armor layer, not to mention the solid defense with the Warrior generals capable of controlling the enemy’s tank line. Viego with Diana will be the damage champion in this lineup.

You need to position them so that Pantheon, Mordekaiser and Diana quickly take down an enemy tank champion because usually the tankers at the top have large amounts of health. At that time, Viego and other generals in the team will simultaneously receive the skill power of Dragon Killer. Also you can combine the Suy Vong – Zombie squad with Draven as the main damage.

In short, Viego is a champion that will require the ability to arrange the team, build a team strategy in Teamfight Tactics – TFT quite a lot so that in the end, Viego will capture the most souls of the enemy team.

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Source link: Dress up in Viego season 5 Teamfight Tactics – TFT, standard standard Viego Suy Vong Assassin

– https://techtipsnreview.com/

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