How to build a squad of Military Generals DTCL season 4

Chien Generals is one of the most numerous tribes in this season 4 DTCL when there are 7 General Chien Generals. For each winning round, they receive additional Health and Magic Damage. You can snowball with the Hero to win.

In the tutorial to build a squad of Heroes below, you will know what to do in all stages of the game. How to dress up heroes and arrange their positions for each champion.

Military Generals Season 4

build chien dtcl buy 4

This squad has full defense and damage when Katarina is considered a very powerful carry in DTCL this season 4. Our defense will have Garen, Vi, Jarvan, Xin Zhao. Warriors are easy to combine with many other families and do not need Azir to complete the formation.

The advantages of the Chien Generals squad

  • The power increases over time, and the massive damage comes from Katarina
  • The lineup is easy to complete without Azir
  • Easy to combine with many other families

Disadvantages of the Chien Generals squad

  • Lack of good control in the team
  • Need Tinh Anh Chien General to have room to combine in the team

Essential equipment for the DTCL Warriors Season 4 formation

  • Katarina: Angel Armor, Gemstone, Algorithm Cloak,
  • Azir: Dao Electric, Thuong Shojin, Devil Thu
  • Jinx: Thief Gloves / Cannons Lien Thanh, Green Palace
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How to build a squad of Military Generals DTCL season 4

Early game (Garen, Jarvan, Nidalee, Katarina)

war hero

You can easily get Chess Generals right at the beginning of the game because there are 4 cheap Generals. The champions you need to look for are Nidalee, Garen, Jarvan IV, Katarina, if you can’t find Katarina, you can replace Vi. If you have Katarina, make sure you have something for her as this will be your main carry.

Mid-game (Garen, Jarvan, Nidalee, Katarina, Akali, Xin Zhao)

buying price 4

Ideally you should slow roll mid game (meaning you need to roll all the Gold and stay the same 10/20/30/40/50 Gold) to go up to Jinx, Katarina and Xin Zhao. At level 6, if you choose 3 Gods of Fortune, you will have to leave 1 Warrior General outside.

If you leave the 6 War Generals intact, you will only add Jinx to get 2 X-X Shoots. At level 7 you can add Sejuani to the game to get 3 Gods of Fortune.

Late game (Garen, Warwick, Katarina, Akali, Xin Zhao, Jinx, Sejuani, Vi, Azir)

buying price 4

If you do not have a Hero of War, then you need to find Azir or find someone to do enough 6 War Heroes because if you do not have 6 Heroes at this time, it will be very quick.

And if you have a Hero of War then just take it easy, most other teams will be much stronger than you at this point unless you have all the necessary champions. Adding Jinx and Sejuani will bring you a lot of money and items that will benefit Tien Phong and Thien Xa. Warwick will

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Position the champions in the squad:

Garen, Warwick, Jarvan IV and defensive Sejuani are the main front lines of this team, with the third row only Vi, you can let Azir’s two guardians cover more champions below because they block damage quite well. . With that Azir and Jinx will deal damage at the end of the line, a safe distance for both champions. Katarina will still jump to the bottom row like Talon in the DTCL Enlightenment squad this season 4.

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Source content: How to build a squad of Military Generals DTCL season 4

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