How to build a squad of Thien Xa DTCL season 4

Perhaps in the list of 58 DTCL generals season 4, it will be difficult for Thien Xa generals to have a favorable match because the number of tanks that match Thien Xa will be quite small. The Minister Marksmanship slightly weak until you have enough to equip them and especially until Jhin export hien.Cho so build marksmanship team will have little difficulty.

However, Thien Xa is one of the most powerful squads in DTCL 10.19 currently. As long as you can help your team survive until the end of the game. Below is a guide to the Thien Xạ DTCL Season 4 roster, including how to maintain the squad throughout the early, mid and late game, how to match DTCL season 4, positioning this lineup.

Thien Xie-type champions and buff properties

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Thien Xue champions’ attacks and skills will bounce on nearby targets, dealing partial damage.

  • 2 Thien Xuyen: 1 bounce with 65% damage reduction
  • 4 Thien Xuyen: 2 bounces with 50% damage reduction
  • 6 Thien Xuyen: 3 bounces with 35% damage reduction

With this buff nature of Thiên Xạ, the formations that gather together will eat enough because the series of bullets bounce to nearby enemies, the higher the mark of Thien Xa, the lower the shot will be reduced. more damage. However, the X-Men will have difficulty if the enemy team detects and separates their champions from each other.

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Advantages of Team Thien Xa DTCL season 4

  • The damage is strong, suitable for hitting formations like U Soul, Cuong Spear …
  • Make the most of the equipment
  • It is easy to complete the team even without Tinh Anh

Disadvantages of team Thien Xa DTCL season 4

  • Lack of good resilience
  • Weak early game
  • Depends a lot on equipment

How to build a squad of Thien Xa DTCL season 4

Early game (Teemo, Vayne, Nidalee, Thresh)

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There are a lot of Thien Xa generals at the beginning of the game that you can use, but the main problem of the team is the lack of resilience. So, we need to have a Tinh Anh Thien Xuyen to hit 4 Thien Xat milestone at the beginning of the game and use Thresh as a tank champion at this stage. After that, your goal is to earn Jinx, make champions, and save a lot of gold including losing streaks.

Mid-game (Aatrox, Thresh, Teemo, Vayne, Jinx, Nidalee)

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Now is the time when you have almost the full range of Thien Xa generals in your team. These generals are powerful enough to kill enough enemy team generals so that if you lose, you will also lose the least health. That’s all you need in the mid game. Keep saving money and boosting champions like Nidalee, Vayne, Teemo if they are close to 3 stars and roll to earn Aatrox and Jhin.

Late game (Aatrox, Thresh, Teemo, Vayne, Jinx, Nidalee, Jhin, Zilean)

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The Thiên Xạ will shine at the end of the game if you have enough gear for the main carry. And with that Aatrox, Thresh and Zilean will help the team survive long enough to shoot freely. Finally, if you reach level 9, you can add Yuumi to your team to increase your recovery, magic resistance and attack speed.

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Recommended equipment:

  • Nidalee: The Witch Hat Rabadon, Spear Shojin
  • Aatrox: Pet Stone Statue, Dragon Claw, Fire Cloak
  • Jhin: Angel Armor, Infinity Sword, Blue Bow.

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Positioning for champions in the team

The team of Thien Xuyen is quite weak so putting Thresh and Aatrox in the front line is a must. Doing so gives Jhin and Nidalee in the backline enough time to kill enemy champions. Don’t forget to put Zilean by Jhin’s side so he can revive in case he gets killed.

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Source content: How to build a squad of Thien Xa DTCL season 4

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