How to play Re-create Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5, 4 Re-create Truth Arena season 5

Regeneration is a support clan this season 5 but Regenerates can still do great damage to opponents by taking advantage of the heal and mana they get from their clans.

Lissandra is seen as a promising carry in the early game with Vladimir. Rolling up 3 stars and matching items for both from the beginning of the game is not too difficult, so the probability of having a winning streak from the beginning to the middle of the game is quite high.

Keep up until the end of the game to find the rest of the Regeneration champions like Heimerdinger and Ivern. Combine with other races to create a powerful Rebuild. Help you change the wind in this list of season 5 Teamfight Tactics – TFT squad.

Rebirth Generals

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  • Lissandra (Re-Creation + Darkness Fairy)
  • Vladimir (Herald + Re-Creation)
  • Soraka (Angel + Re-creation)
  • Ivern (Evil God + Wizard + Regeneration)
  • Heimerdinger (Dragon Race + Renewal + Dragon Trainer)

Vladimir will be able to continuously heal thanks to his skill and regeneration buff. Lissandra can be cast faster because she is in the back row. Soraka has a negative effect to let the enemy cast longer so if you have a lot of Soraka, you can also add it to the team.

At the end of the game, Ivern and Heimerdinger will be the late-game carry generals. Find many Heimeidinger you can replace for Soraka or you can keep Soraka with Ivern and Lissandra and Vladimir to create.

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Crafting for regeneration champions

As mentioned above, Vladimir and Lissandra will be the main damage dealers in the early stages. So either one will need equipment, Vladimir will be a champion that needs some good equipment like Animal Statue of Armor and Blood Armor, clip more Giant Power to aid damage. Lissandra needs pawns like Infinity Sword, Green Charm, Gauntlet.

Re-create dtcl season 5

For Darkness you can give it to Vladimir The Dark Angel’s Staff clip of Angel Armor and Gauntlet. Lissandra can hold it Iron Solari necklace Normal or Dark if the defense is weak. Heimerdinger needs the dame items shown below and an Angel Armor is enough for the baby dragon to fire the fireball.

Re-create dtcl season 5

Play the Teamfight Tactics – TFT Roster Season 5

Early game

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Let’s start with the main champions in the game like Liss and Vladimir. Adding Sejuani and Leblanc is manual enough for the team. At this point, you can have anything to use, but it’s important to prioritize Darkness and Re-creation.

Between game

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In stage 3, hyper roll for Liss and Vladimir, and if there is a suit for anyone, match it for that champion. Also look for Morgana and Lulu to get more buffs for Liss and increase Team Mystery. To level 7 add Nocturne to the team and find Ivern, remove Sejuani from the team.

Late game

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Gather enough champions on this lineup for buffs. After level 7, remove Sejuani and add Nocturne, then go to level 8 and find Kindred with Heimerdinger. If you reach level 9 you can add Volibear to your team with the Demon Book for him.

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The number of Renewal generals is small, so it is possible to combine with many different races such as Ma Su, Gods or Long Tribe to form many formations in the team. Depends on what you see while building a Rebuild lineup.

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Source link: How to play Re-create Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 5, 4 Re-create Truth Arena season 5


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