The most detailed guide to using Matcha flooring (2021)

Matcha is 0x’s Dex Aggregator, a liquidity solution for large financial projects like Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, 1inch, etc. Matcha has unique features such as private liquidity provided by 0x, smart routing mechanism , limit order, … thereby helping users get the best trading experience. This article will guide you on how to use Matcha flooring in the most detail

Overview of Matcha

Matcha is a DEX Aggregator created by 0x Protocol in July 2021, focusing on user experience, especially new users, who know the basics of crypto market and DEX.

Unique features of Matcha include:

  • Convenient search bar: With other DEX projects, we can only search for tokens we want to buy or sell, but with Matcha we can search for trading token pairs, such as ETH/DAI, ETH/USDT, etc.
  • Automatically find the best price: Matcha is an Aggregator DEX, so it will aggregate liquidity from many sources such as Kyber, Pancakeswap, etc. or Matcha’s own liquidity source provided by 0x.
  • Limit Orders: If you swap on the Ethereum system and use WETH, you will be able to use the feature limit order, i.e. I will enter the price of the token pair I want to exchange, only when the price reaches that level will the order be executed (contrary to usual, I have to exchange tokens at the market price at that time). ).

0x is a Protocol that enables builders to build financial products. Built in October 2016 by 0x Labs, the project was born to solve the liquidity problem for DeFi project accounts.

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Projects using 0x are mainly in the array of DEX Aggregator and Wallet, with famous names such as 1inch, Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, etc. It is understandable that when DEX Aggregator they can leverage 0x to aggregate liquidity from multiple sources in a simple way, while Wallet will allow users to swap tokens right in the wallet conveniently.


What to prepare when using Matcha floor?

Storage wallet

Currently supported Matcha wallets are Metamask, Coinbase Wallet,… In this article, I will guide you with Metamask wallet, if you do not have a Metamask wallet, you can see how to install and create a detailed wallet. here.

Please note that you also need to choose the correct network you want to use in your wallet. Matcha running on 4 strings is Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon and Avalancheso you want to swap on any ecosystem, you must choose the corresponding network in the wallet.

Note: In case you do not have a corresponding network in your Metamask wallet, you can add a network by going to the page

Step 1: Connect to your e-wallet by selecting Connect to Wallet.

Step 2: Type the name network need add in the search bar.

Step 3: Find the right network type (note that the correct network will usually have the word mainnet next to it, to avoid confusion with other networks with the same name) Select Add to Metamask.

Token as gas fee

Because Matcha is a multi-chain platform, if you want to use it on any ecosystem, you must prepare the corresponding platform token to make gas fees, for example Ethereum is ETH, Binance Smart Chain is BNB, etc.

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I will buy these tokens at CEX exchanges like Binance, FTX, etc. and then transfer them to my respective wallet.

Example of transferring ATOM to an e-wallet on Binance

Instructions for using Matcha flooring

You can watch the video on how to use the visual Matcha floor right below:

Step 1: Choose Connect Wallet Select the type of wallet you want to use.

If Matcha automatically switches to the main interface and there is an icon of the wallet in the top box, you have successfully connected to the wallet.

Step 2: Choose Start Trading or Trade in the top corner to start trading.

Step 3: Choose Ecosystem that you want to trade.

Note: HThe ecosystem will have to match the network selected in the wallet. For example, if you have selected the network as Binance Smart Chain in the Metamask wallet, you will also have to choose the ecosystem of BSC in Matcha.

Step 4: To perform a swap order, on the right hand side you choose the token and the amount you want to trade Matcha will immediately choose the best priced AMM platform Choose Review Order Submit Order.

In case your trading volume is large, Matcha will split into small trades (e.g. 50% in Pancakeswap and 50% in ApeSwap) to avoid slippage.

Parameters to note:

  • Expected Rate: Exchange rate of the token pair you receive when buying and selling.
  • Minimum Rate: The minimum rate that I get even if the price slips.
  • Max Price Slippage: Maximum slippage rate.

If you swap on the Ethereum system and use WETH (not applicable to ETH), you will be able to use the feature limit orderyou will fill in the following parameters:

  • Limit Price: The price of the token pair that I want to exchange.
  • Expires print: The time after which the order will no longer be valid.
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So I finished the tutorial on how to use Matcha. We can take advantage of its unique features like Smart Routing, limit order, etc. to have the best trading experience.

If you have any problems at any step, you can comment below to discuss with Techtipsnreview! Don’t forget to subscribe and join Techtipsnreview Insights’ groups and channels below to discuss with admins and other community members:

Source: The most detailed guide to using Matcha flooring (2021)
– TechtipsnReview

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