Summary table of the latest LG Inverter air conditioner error code

During use, it is inevitable that the air conditioner will be damaged, when it is equal to LG air conditioner error code can help you determine the cause of the damage and find the correct remedy. Check out the details below!

How to check error codes on LG Inverter air conditioners

LG Inverter Air Conditioner can be divided into 2 types, one with LED display and the other without. The error reporting of these two types is also different.

+ LG Inverter air conditioner with LED display: You can check this air conditioner error code very simply by looking at the display screen when the air conditioner has any abnormal signs, it will report the error right on the screen. .

+ LG Inverter air conditioner without LED screen: Then there is no LG air conditioner error code which will display that through indicator light. When the air conditioner will report an error by flashing the light. The way to test LG air conditioner error is very simple is to count the number of lights blinking to correspond to the LG air conditioner error code table. For example, the flash once, twice or three times will correspond to the core code CH01 or CH03.

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How to check LG Inverter air conditioner error code

– For details of common error codes, please follow the table below.

2. Summary table of LG Inverter air conditioner error codes

The following are details of error codes that you may encounter during the use of LG Inverter air conditioners. When you accidentally encounter these damage, you should not fix it yourself, but contact the warranty party for the best support.

STT Error code Meaningful
first CH01 – Circuit error, open contact, poor solder joint.
2 CH02 – The clamp temperature sensor in the air conditioner compressor pipe outside the outdoor unit is faulty.
3 CH03 – Error between the signal wire connecting from the indoor unit to the outdoor unit, the signal wire is wrongly connected.
4 CH04 – The water float is faulty.
5 CH05 – Error of outdoor unit board, do not control signal to indoor unit.
6 CH06 – Error of room temperature sensor, damaged indoor unit board.
7 CH07 – The outdoor unit and the indoor unit are not synchronized.
8 CH09 – Error in outdoor unit and indoor unit board.
9 CH10 – The indoor unit fan does not run, runs weak. Damaged fan, indoor unit board error.
ten CH22 – Voltage, power supply is too high.
11 CH23 – The input voltage and power supply is too low.
twelfth CH26 – Block (compressor) inverter does not run, error board.
13 CH27 – LG air conditioner error code means the circuit is overloaded, the board is damaged.
14 CH29 – The controller from the board to the compressor is out of phase.
15 CH33 – Compressor pipe temperature is too high. External temperature sensor error.
16 CH41 – Compressor temperature sensor is faulty, compressor temperature is high.
17 CH44 – The room temperature sensor is faulty.
18 CH45 – The outdoor unit temperature sensor is faulty.
19 CH46 – The refrigerant pipe sensor is faulty.
20 CH47 – The outdoor unit or indoor unit board is faulty.
21 CH51 – Overload error.
22 CH54 – Phase difference, phase loss.
23 CH60 – Board error on outdoor unit
24 CH61 – The outdoor unit is too dirty to cool down.
25 CH62 – Board error in indoor unit.
26 CH67 – Error of outdoor unit fan.
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3. Note to use the air conditioner effectively

In addition to the LG Inverter air conditioner error code table, when using this product you should pay attention to the following:

3.1. Choose an air conditioner with a reasonable capacity

LG air conditioner error code: choose the right capacity

– You need to know that each type air conditioning will have its own capacity suitable for each room area as follows:

+ Air conditioner ~1 HP (9000 BTU): Room under 15 m2.

+ Air conditioner 1.5 HP (12000 BTU): Room 15-20 m2.

+ Air conditioner 2 HP (18000 BTU): Room 20-30 m2.

+ Air conditioner 2.5 HP (24000 BTU): Room 30-40 m2.

– Choosing the right capacity not only saves electricity but also ensures family health.

3.2. Turn on the air conditioner 15-20 minutes before going to bed

LG air conditioner error code: Turn on the air conditioner 15-20 minutes before sleeping

Each air conditioner has a different time to start up and cooling capacity. So if your air conditioner does not have the ability to cool quickly, you should turn on the air conditioner 15-20 minutes before sleeping to have a good, relaxing and pleasant sleep.

In addition to the LG air conditioner error code table, please refer to: Summary of 10+ popular air conditioner sizes today

3.3. The best air conditioner temperature should be only 5 degrees Celsius lower than the environment

LG air conditioner error code: The best air conditioner temperature should be only 5 degrees Celsius lower than the environment

– You may experience heat stroke symptoms such as: fainting, shortness of breath, hallucinations, loss of consciousness, heart palpitations, etc. go out.

– To prevent this, you should only let the air conditioner be 5 degrees Celsius lower than the outdoor temperature is best, and on hot days, the peak is up to 35 degrees Celsius, the room with air conditioner at 29 degrees Celsius is can already help you feel relaxed and comfortable.

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3.4. Should use more fans for air-conditioned rooms

Should use more fans for air-conditioned rooms

When using an additional fan, you can increase the temperature of the air conditioner a little, which will help save more electricity. At the same time, the use of a fan makes the cold air in the room circulate evenly, which is better for the health of your family.

With table LG air conditioner error code, wish you success in fixing the damage. Thanks for watching.

Source: Summary table of the latest LG Inverter air conditioner error code

– TechtipsnReview

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