How to change Arena of Valor password in just 4 easy steps

Changing your password is an effective way to better secure your account. Join GhienCongListen to find out in this article.

Arena of Valor accounts are like social networking accounts like Facebook because it is easy to steal. If you want to protect your account better, regularly changing your password is an effective solution. In this post GhienCongListen will guide you step by step to change the password of the Alliance It’s very simple on your phone and computer.

How to change Arena of Valor password on the phone

To change the Arena of Valor password on your phone, first go to Account management page and follow the instructions below.


Step 1: At the login interface after accessing Account management pagePlease fill in all the information.

Step 2: At the next interface, select Change the password. Here there will be 2 cases as follows:


  • If your account has not registered a Authentication Phone Number, you can immediately change the new Password by entering the New Password and Old Password information.
  • In case your account has registered a Verification Phone Number, you need to press the . button Get the code and enter Verification codes be sent to the phone number registered in the account so that you can proceed to change the new password.
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Step 3: You need to enter current password, New passwordi and Confirm New Passwordi, at the same time, enter the Verification code. Then click Change to finish changing the Garena account password.

If your account has Garena Authenticator or Phone Number installed, you need to enter the verification code sent from the system to this app and device.


Step 4: After changing the password, go back to Arena of Valor and log in with the new password.

How to change Arena of Valor password on computer

How to change Arena of Valor password on computer and phone is quite similar. First, you still access the Account Management Page:

Step 1: At the login interface after accessing Account management pagePlease fill in all the information.

change the password of the Alliance

Step 2: Next, select the item Change the password.

Step 3: You need to enter current password, New passwordi and Confirm New Passwordi, at the same time, enter the Verification code. Then click Change to finish changing the Garena account password.

If your account has Garena Authenticator or Phone Number installed, you need to enter the verification code sent from the system to this app and device.

change the password of the Alliance

change the password of the Alliance

Step 4: After changing the password, go back to Arena of Valor and log in with the new password.

Some frequently asked questions

Can I change my Arena of Valor password when I lose my phone number?

The answer is Yes, there is still a way for you to change your Arena of Valor password without a phone number, which is to use your login email. However, with this method, you need to register Email before. So we have a recommendation for you that you should register both phone number and email in case you lose your phone number.

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In this way, instead of the verification code being sent to the registered phone number, it will be sent to your registered email. So even if you lose your phone number or don’t remember your registered phone number, you can still change your password

How to change Arena of Valor password from Facebook to Garena

Garena is one of the social networking sites that connects gamers around the world together, it’s like Facebook but limited only to those who play games. If you have synchronized your Facebook and Garena accounts, you can easily change your Arena of Valor password from Facebook to Garena.

First you need to go to the homepage of Arena of Valor on your mobile phone, click on Forgot password.

change the password of the Alliance

At the next interface, click Reset Facebook password

change the password of the Alliance

Then choose Continue under the name

change the password of the Alliance

At this point, Garena will switch to the interface Set new password.

change the password of the Alliance

You just need to enter the new password twice and press confirm.

Note: The new password must contain 8 to 16 characters, different from the login name. Password must contain at least 1 lowercase character, 1 uppercase character and 1 number.

See more:

Above are the instructions on how to change the Arena of Valor password, hope you can apply it successfully. Don’t forget to Like, Share the article so GhienCognListen has more motivation to make more quality articles.

Source: How to change Arena of Valor password in just 4 easy steps
– TechtipsnReview

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