How To Copy And Paste On Laptop Without Mouse: A Simple Guide

You have to copy and paste text on a computer frequently? Well, that’s why you have a mouse.

But what if you don’t own a mouse? You can’t just go and buy one because of course there are other things that cost money too! There is no need to worry either.

This article will teach you how to copy and paste on laptop without mouse.

It doesn’t require any additional software or device either.

All you need is your keyboard.

Read through the following guide and learn how to copy & paste on laptop without mouse in this simple manner.


How to Copy Text on a Laptop Without Mouse?

If you want to copy text using your keyboard, here is how you can do it.

– You need to press Ctrl+A and the letter ‘x’ on your keyboard.

This will copy the text.

– Now press Ctrl+C to copy the text.

– Now you can paste the copied text anywhere you want by pressing Ctrl+V.

– You can also use Ctrl+A followed by ‘Shift+Insert’ to select multiple text and then paste them by pressing Ctrl+V.

– You can also use Ctrl+C to copy the text and Ctrl+Insert to paste them.

– You can also copy the text by holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the ‘x’ key on your keyboard.

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– Also, you can use the cut function to copy text on a laptop.

To do so, press the ‘Cut’ button on your keyboard.

Check out the methods before proceeding further

Now that you know how to copy text on a laptop without a mouse, it’s time to learn some more methods on how to paste text on a laptop without mouse.

– Press the space bar or the ‘Return’ key on your keyboard to paste the text you have copied.

– You can use the ‘Up Arrow’ key to paste the next line of text on your computer.

– To paste the whole sentence you have copied, press the ‘Down Arrow’ key on your keyboard.

– Press the ‘Shift’ key on your keyboard along with the ‘Return’ key to select only the pasted text.

– You can also choose the ‘Edit’ tab from your browser and edit the text wherever you want.


How to Paste Text in a Laptop Without Mouse?

Now that you know how to copy text on a laptop without mouse, it’s time to learn some more methods on how to paste text in a laptop without mouse.

– If you have copied a long text, you can use the Ctrl+A shortcut followed by ‘Shift+Insert’ to select multiple text and then paste them.

This will help you move the text where you want in your computer.

– Press the ‘Space Bar’ and the ‘Return’ key on your keyboard to paste the text that you have copied.

– You can also use the ‘Up Arrow’ key to paste the next line of text on your computer.

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– To paste the whole sentence you have copied, press the ‘Down Arrow’ key on your keyboard.

– Press the ‘Shift’ key on your keyboard along with the ‘Return’ key to select only the pasted text.

– You can also choose the ‘Edit’ tab from your browser and edit the text wherever you want.


How To Clip Text in a Laptop Without Mouse

Now that you know how to copy text on a laptop without mouse, it’s time to learn some more methods on how to clip text in a laptop without mouse.

– Press the ‘Alt’ key and click on the ‘Select All’ icon on your computer.

Now go to the ‘Edit’ tab in your browser and paste the text you want to clip in the blank space and press Enter.

Press the ‘Cut’ button and paste the text you want to clip on your computer.

– You can also use the ‘Ctrl’ + ‘X’ shortcut to cut the text.

– You can also use the ‘Ctrl’ + ‘C’ shortcut to copy the text and ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Insert’ to paste it.

– You can also use the ‘Ctrl’ + ‘V’ shortcut to paste the text that you have copied from your computer.



Q. How to copy & paste text on a laptop with mouse?


If you have a mouse and want to copy text on your computer and paste them, use the method described above for how to copy text on a laptop without mouse.

Press the ‘Shift’ key along with the ‘Ctrl’ key.

Next, select the text and press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘C’ to copy the text.

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Now move to the place where you want to paste the text, press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘V’ to paste the text on your computer.

– If you don’t have a mouse, you can use your keyboard to copy text and press the ‘Ctrl’ key along with the ‘C’ and ‘V’ keys to paste.



You can easily copy text on a laptop and paste them wherever you want.

You can also clip text on a laptop and save them in your computer.

You can also use the ‘Alt’ key along with the ‘Select All’ button and the ‘Cut’ button along with the ‘Ctrl’ key to do all of these.

These are the methods on how to copy text on a laptop without mouse.

Now that you know how to copy and paste on laptop without mouse, why don’t you try it out and share your thoughts.

We hope you learned how to copy text on a laptop without mouse from this article.

If you have any questions or doubts regarding any of these methods, don’t hesitate to ask them in the comment section below.



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