How to play Shyvana DTCL, build Shyvana Dragon Race

Sylas and Warwick had to say goodbye to the other Gladiators when DTCL 4.5 was updated. But Riot Games will also immediately compensate us for two other Gladiator generals like Shyvana, Cho’Gath.

In addition, we have many other new generals such as Samira DTCL, Tryndamere DTCL, Kayle DTCL, Olaf DTCL … Besides the new clans like Butcher DTCL, Dragon Race DTCL, Vampiric DTCL, Executioner DTCL …

Lots of new generals and clans that gamers can combine with Shyvana and make the most powerful DTCL 4.5 comps. But mainly the way to dress Shyvana and positioning is still the way to help her develop her strength and be able to become a main carry in the team. Check out how to build Shyvana and the strongest compositions for her below.

Basic stats and skills, Shyvana’s clan

Dragon Race

files made by shyvana dtcl 4.5

At the start of the battle, the Dragon Race that receives the first damage will be blessed and will receive the power of the Dragon. Upon gaining power, the champion will gain a bonus stat, and each 5th attack will fire a Fire Dragon, dealing magic damage at 50% of the target’s maximum health. When General Long Toc dies, this power will be transferred to General Long Toc nearby.

  • 3 Long Toc: 1 Dragon Race is blessed. 30 Magic Damage and Attack Speed.
  • 6 Long Toc: 3 generals of Long Toc are blessed. 75 Magic Damage and Attack Speed.
  • 9 Long Toc: 6 generals of Long Toc are blessed. 150 Magic Damage and Attack Speed.
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len by shyvana dtcl 4.5

Gladiator champions get increased health at the beginning of the game and take bonus physical damage

  • 2 Gladiators: 400 Health and 10 STVL
  • 4 Gladiators: 700 Health and 20 STVL
  • 6 Gladiators: 1100 Health and 60 STVL
  • 8 Gladiators: 1600 Health and 120 STVL

Indexes and skills

shyvana dtcl 4.5

  • Cost: 3
  • Health: 750/1350/2430
  • Mana: 75
  • Armor: 35
  • MR: 80
  • DPS: 53/95/170
  • Damage: 70/126/227
  • Atk Spd: 0.75
  • Crit Rate: 25%
  • Range: first

Dragon Form: Shyvana glided away and transformed into a dragon form. While in dragon form, she gains an additional 90% of her maximum health and 60/120/250 STVL. Shyvana’s attack range and basic attacks gain an additional 150/500/600 bonus magic damage over 2 seconds.

Shyvana’s position will definitely be at the Top as she is a tanker general.

Dress up Shyvana Truth Arena 4.5, build Shyvana DTCL 4.5

The support item for Shyvana would be Blood Armor, Robe, Justice Hand. Shyvana will have quite a high amount of health if she transforms into a dragon, so these items are a way for Shyvana to stand up better.

Opposite, Cannons Lien Thanh and Cuong Cung are items that make Shyvana a good damage dealer in the team. With Cannon Barrage, you can place Shyvana in the back row and she can still damage enemy champions. In addition, you can replace Cuong Cung with Search infinity.

equip shyvana dtcl 4.5

Lineup Shyvana DTCL 4.5

Shyvana Mage

build shyvana gladiator dtcl 4.5

This formation uses the Tinh Anh Long Tribe to be 6 Dragon Race. Mage will be the main source of damage with Aurelion Sol DTCL 4.5 and if you have a Golden Shovel + Tears give Shyvana her health will increase quite high if you cast it twice.

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8 Gladiators

build shyvana gladiator dtcl 4.5

Obviously this is a squad that favors fighting with a Gladiator Star to reach 8 Gladiators. Shyvana and Nunu DTCL will be the main damage champions. This formation uses a Slowroll strategy to get 3 stars so that Shyvana and Nunu are level 7.

However, if you are going to 3 stars for both Shyvana and Nunu then you will be difficult to reach level 8 early to find Sett. So prioritize Shyvana and go to level 8, then get Sett and give Nunu’s things to Sett.

It is not clear which lineup Shyvana will be able to incorporate in the near future or whether we will still meet him in DTCL season 5, but with the two formations above. You will definitely have a tank with the highest amount of blood ever.

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Source link: How to play Shyvana DTCL, build Shyvana Dragon Race


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