Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

To save time as well as simplify PowerPoint slides in transition, we need the help of hyperlinks. Join GhienCongListen to find out what this is and how to insert a hyperlink in PowerPoint.

Let’s learn about hyperlink and how to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint in the content. GhienCongListen Surely this will be a support tool to make your presentation more professional and neat.

Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint


Hyperlinks or hyperlinks have two basic parts: the web page’s address, email address, or other location they’re linking to, and the visible text (which can also be an image or shape). For example, the address could be and could be the display text. In some cases, the displayed text may resemble the address. When you’re creating a hyperlink in PowerPoint, you’ll be able to select both the address and the text or image to display.

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Here’s how to insert a hyperlink in PowerPoint for a text or image in the slide you’re working on.

1. Select the image or text you want to insert the hyperlink.

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2. Right-click the selected text or image, then click Hyperlink. Alternatively you can go to the tab Insert and click command Hyperlink. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

3. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box opens. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

4. If you have selected text, the words will appear in the box Text to display at top. You can change this text if you want.

5. Enter the address you want to link in the box Address.

6. Press OK. The text or image you selected will now be a hyperlink to the web address. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

  1. Right-click the selected text or image, and then click hyperlink.

2. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box opens.

3. On the left side of the dialog box, click Email address. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

4. Enter the email address you want to connect to in the Email address box, then press OK. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

PowerPoint typically recognizes email addresses and web addresses as you type, and will automatically format them as hyperlinks once you press the Enter key or the spacebar.

Instead of text, you can insert hyperlinks for shapes, images, etc. This will increase the aesthetics of your presentation. The image or shape will act in as a button. To do this, you just need to right-click on the object you want to insert the hyperlink and follow the steps outlined above.

1. Right-click the selected text or image, and then click Hyperlink.

2. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box will appear.

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3. On the left side of the dialog box, click Place in this Document. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

4. A list of slides in your presentation will appear. Click the name of the slide you want to link to. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

5. Press OK. The text or image will now be a hyperlink to the slide you selected. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

1. Right-click the selected text or image, then click Hyperlink.

2. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box will appear.

3. On the left side of the dialog box, click Existing File or Webpage. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

4. Click the drop-down arrow to browse for your file.

5. Select the desired file. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

6. Press OK. The text or image will now be a hyperlink to the file you selected. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

Note that if you plan to display your presentation file on a different computer than the one you used to design, your hyperlink to another file may not work. Make sure you make a copy of the linked file on the computer you’re using for the presentation. And always check the hyperlinks before presenting.

After you create a hyperlink, you should test it. Right click Hyperlinkthen press Open Hyperlink. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

Your web browser will open and then navigate to the linked page. If it doesn’t work, check the hyperlink address for any typos.

To open the hyperlink while viewing the presentation, click the hyperlink. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

1. Right-click the hyperlink.

2. Click Remove Hyperlink. Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint

Through the above instructions, GhienCongListen hopes you have been able to successfully insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint. Like & Share the article to support GhienCongListen to continue sharing more interesting knowledge.

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Source: Collection of ways to insert hyperlinks in PowerPoint
– TechtipsnReview

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