How to recognize copyrighted videos on YouTube so as not to get copyrighted

Creating and sharing videos can cause copyright issues. Know how to tell if a video is copyrighted on YouTube and avoid legal problems if any.

For those who work with videos especially music videos, copyright concerns are almost certainly there. With so many ways to share content, measures to protect identity and ownership are essential. Take, for example, the recent incident of an A-list male singer whose MV color had tens of millions of views on YouTube due to suspicion of copyright infringement of the melody.

In these cases, you need to equip yourself How to recognize copyrighted videos on YouTube Are not. Otherwise, you may have to be prepared to protect your content from unauthorized use. Together GhienCongListen Find out in the article below.


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How to recognize copyrighted videos on youtube

How to know if a video is copyrighted on YouTube?

Before discussing any specifics of how to tell if a video is copyrighted on YouTube, it’s important to know what YouTube copyright is. YouTube copyright is when anyone creates an original video product, copyright protection covers that video. It doesn’t matter who uploads the video first because it belongs to its creator.


However, there are some difficult cases to check when you need to check the original video copyright. For example, if you’ve paid for a video, you should double check. Because most likely that video also bought the copyright from someone else and you just bought it through an intermediary. Like the case of the music video mentioned above.

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YouTube Studio: how to check copyrighted videos on YouTube

Easily learn YouTube’s copyright check and get familiar with the YouTube Studio tool if you’re a YouTube creator.

To enter YouTube Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the YouTube homepage with your login account.
  2. In the upper right corner, tap the YouTube account icon with your profile picture.
  3. Select YouTube Studio in the menu that appears.

Here, you’ll dig deeper into the YouTube video copyright check process.

Once you’re signed in to YouTube Studio, there are three main ways to approach any known copyright issues:

  • See the Dashboard’s Notice of Piracy tab.
  • Use the Filter and select Copyright claims.
  • Look at the Restrictions column.

The first thing you will notice is that these methods don’t work. Instead, they just take you to the identified copyright issues to explain and help you towards a solution.

For someone who doesn’t have a problem, you can hover over the Restrictions column. From here, you’ll click Learn more and get access to other copyright information.

How to recognize copyrighted videos on youtube

How to identify copyrighted YouTube videos from YouTube Help

While it would be ideal to have an automatic copyright checker for all videos, this is not feasible. Organizations like YouTube cannot oversee all content creation. In the end, YouTube just enforces the law.

As a result, Content ID claims and copyright strikes only happen through the right screening and legal channels.

Therefore, the most accurate way to screen videos for copyright before uploading is to do thorough research from the sources. This is not the fastest method, but having a basic understanding of the legal part of copyright is important.

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In addition to addressing common copyright questions, YouTube’s copyright and rights management helps you learn more. You can go to the Copyright and Rights Management page at the link below:

How to recognize copyrighted videos on YouTube so as not to get copyrighted

While you can check manually, YouTube supports an automated testing tool through Content ID. YouTube may automatically generate a claim for anyone using someone else’s content as long as the claim for that content matches the reference in the record.

To solve this problem, you can delete the music, swap the music, or maybe share the revenue with the author. Similarly, if this happens to a video segment, you can cut out the already owned content.


Although there are online tools to help identify copyrighted videos on YouTube, unforeseen circumstances can still occur. The amount of creative content being shared is already immense and duplication of content is inevitable.

Therefore, do not rely too much on automated testing tools, but also find out more external sources to avoid copyright strikes on your videos.

Above is an article by GhienCongListen sharing how to recognize copyrighted videos on YouTube that readers may be interested in. If you find the article useful, please leave Like & Share as well as if you have any questions or suggestions, you can leave a comment. Thanks for watching.

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Source: How to recognize copyrighted videos on YouTube so as not to get copyrighted
– TechtipsnReview

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