Fix Laptop keyboard disorder error, type out number, type in special character

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In the process of using a laptop computer, at least once you have encountered the case of entering letters but the number is correct, right? The opposite can also happen when you enter a number but a letter or a special character. I come across many cases like this very often and also often receive related questions like this. Therefore, in this article I will guide you in detail for the simplest and most effective way to handle it.

Actually, this is not an error, but because you have incorrectly set up the input language. It could be that your friend deliberately trolled you or it could be because you accidentally set it up while typing, using the wrong key combination. Okey, it’s okay. After reading this article, these minor errors will be nothing and you can easily fix them yourself.

Note: These errors usually occur on laptop computers, but some current discrete keyboards also incorporate Fn keys, or other accessibility keys, so if you are on the computer, you also apply completely. yourself.

How to fix typing errors or type numbers out special characters on the Laptop computer

This error was just asked me yesterday, ie when you type the number 1, 2, 3, 4.... on the keyboard it returns the characters as ă, â, ê, ộ̀̉̃́.. or !, @, #. $… Actually, if anyone has this error, they will know, not where you type it also has the same error. For example, you enter 1, 2, 3, 4 .. in the address bar of the web browser to search, it still displays normally, but when you enter Word, Excel, or when you enter a password to unlock the folder will appear the above error.

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+ Cause: The reason for this error is that you chose the wrong input language for the keyboard. Instead of choosing ENG then you choose the language BECAUSE so such a situation happened.

=> How to fix: In the Taskbar, click on the language bar => and switch it on ENG as shown below is fine. Or you can use a quick shortcut Alt + Shift for faster operation.

How to fix typing error

Read more:

How to fix the error when typing out the number?

+ Cause: This error is also very common and the cause is usually because we have disabled the feature Num Lock on the keyboard. For keyboards that support separate numeric keys and Num Lock keys, there is no such problem, but for keyboards with Num Lock buttons with numeric keys with letters, this error is common. And most of the laptop computers are smaller or equal to 14 ”, they often do such combination to save space and to be more suitable for computers.

=> How to fix: Press the key combination Fn + Insert (NumLK) As shown below, to turn off Num Lock feature.


Guide to fix laptop keyboard disorder fastest

Yes ! There are also a few more errors related to incorrect display of the character to be typed. Let me take the example you want to type characters @ (Shift + F3) then it becomes character '', or you want to type the character # then it is displayed as £…. so it’s bananas.

+ Cause: Because you chose the wrong input language for the keyboard, or because you did not choose the correct language at the time of installation, Enghish (US – United States). If left as default, it will be UK – United Kingdom

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=> How to fix: The input language is repeated US is to be.


+ Step 1: Enter Control Panel Quickly open the Run dialog box (Windows + R) => enter a command control => press Enter to perform (in section View by you choose is Large icons ) => then go to section Language .


Step 2: A new window appears, choose is Options let us in on set.


Step 3: Window Language options appears, please click Add an input method to add the input language is US. My picture below is correct, but I am writing a tutorial so let’s just use a demo example.


Step 4: Now a lot of input languages ​​will appear. You look for the keyboard model is US (Touch keyboard laypout) => click Add to add.


Step 5: Go back to the window Language options (Step 3) => click Remove All, just leave the US language you just added => then press Save to save your settings.


So it’s OK already, now you can test it out. Definitely okay ?


So I have very detailed instructions for you How to fix the Laptop keyboard disorder, errors in typing numbers, typing numbers into special characters…. it is ok If you have any difficulties in the implementation process, just comment below I will support as soon as possible.

Hope this article will be useful to you, wish you success!

Kien Nguyen – techtipsnreview

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Source: Fix Laptop keyboard disorder error, type out number, type in special character
– TechtipsnReview

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