Instructions on how to change the IP of iOS and Android phones simply and quickly

How to change phone IP is one of the tricks that many users are interested in when they want to download exclusive Android and iOS content and applications that are limited to certain countries. If you are also interested in this information, do not skip the following article!

1. What is an IP address?

– IP address (or IP Address) stands for “Internet Protocol Address”. Every Internet-connected device, including a router, is assigned an IP address. However, each router has its own IP address to communicate with the connected device. Routers also use that IP to receive information over the Internet.

how to change phone ip

– Users may want to change their IP address for various reasons. It could be that your IP is blacklisted, or you can’t browse some blocked websites, or you can’t create an account on a certain forum… Just change the IP and all the above problems will be solved. handle.

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2. Instructions on how to change the phone’s IP

Change IP address (Fake IP): a term used to refer to the act of simulating a certain network address to avoid tracking or bypassing firewalls for network-connected devices. For example: Indonesia has just released a new game, but only for this country, to download you need to change your IP address. phone to Indonesia.

Then how to change phone IP as follows:

Step 1: Go to the following website:

Step 2: Section “All Countries” you choose the location to change the IP address to.

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how to change phone ip step 2

Step 3: Next a list of many IP addresses will be shown to you, touch any IP address you like (Proxy IP). If the OK message is displayed, the IP address is still available, save the relevant information such as: Proxy IP and Proxy Port.

If the displayed message is “deal” you need to choose another IP address again.

how to change phone ip step 3

Step 4: Continue to change the phone IP, do the following:

– For Android

+ You access Settings > Wi-Fi > Select the Wi-Fi network you are connecting to > Select Proxy > Manual.

+ In the “Server name“you enter”Proxy IP” previously saved, same “Gate“you enter”Proxy Port“.

how to change phone ip step 4.1

– For iOS

+ You access Settings > WLAN > Select the currently connected Wi-Fi network > Configure proxy > Manual.

+ In the “Server“you enter”Proxy IP” previously saved, same “Gate“you enter”Proxy Port“.

how to change phone ip step 4.2

Step 5: After completing the way to change the phone IP, you need to check again whether your device has been changed to another IP address by accessing the following link:

At this point, the website will automatically identify the IP address of the network, all you have to do is click “Get IP Details” to see if this IP belongs to the region you just switched to?

how to change phone ip step 5

So you have completed changing the phone IP to the desired country.

With how to change phone IP quickly, effectively on here, wish you success. collectibles

Source: Instructions on how to change the IP of iOS and Android phones simply and quickly

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– TechtipsnReview

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