Ways to prevent apps from accessing microphone on iPhone

You’ve probably seen a message to allow an app to access the Micro on your iPhone when using that app’s Micro-related feature. For example, talking on the phone, video calling, texting with a microphone, translating languages… Many smartphone applications have such features.

And when they have access to the microphone, they will most likely hear your conversations, even if the application is not activated. The data collected when eavesdropping will be used for ads that are relevant to you, there are games that specialize in collecting what you are interested in, be it from TV, PC, Laptop, programs. Live streaming and advertising… In addition, this information is analyzed and combined with your location, see what stores you go to, what interests you.

Not only the application that accesses the microphone can eavesdrop, but the features on the phone can also eavesdrop on you, such as Hey Siri nice OK Google to quickly call the virtual assistant. These features can also listen to what you say every day, they even have the ability to record your conversations.

And although tech companies have claimed that they don’t record users’ audio when using the virtual assistant feature, it’s not certain that their claims are true. To prevent that, under this article Quantrimang.com will guide you on ways to prevent applications from accessing the microphone on iPhone.

Ways to prevent apps from accessing the microphone on iPhone

1. Do not allow applications to access the Micro

When you download an app, if the app has a key feature that uses the microphone, the app will immediately ask you to allow access to the microphone. As for applications that have features that must use the Micro but have not been allowed to access, when starting that feature you will have to allow the application to access the Micro.

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You can click Decline if the feature is not needed.

Deny permission to access MicroAllow the use of Micro Messages

And if you accidentally click OK, you can still stop allowing microphone access on iPhone, just go to settings, scroll down and select which application you have just allowed access, turn off the item. Micro go and done.

Application ListSettings allow apps to access

But then you will also not be able to use certain features in some applications, for example, when making a video call in Facebook Messenger above, you must allow the application to use the microphone to be able to use the microphone. use this feature. So if you do this, then select the applications that you feel most trusted.

2. Block apps from accessing the microphone by list

The second way, if you want to remove the application’s microphone access when you accidentally grant them, go to the Settings application (Settings) > click Privacy (Privacy) > click Microphone (Microphone).


Here you can see a list of apps for which you have given microphone access on your device, you can disable all Microphone access in this list.

The application is using Micro

3. Turn off Hey Siri

As mentioned above, even the voice command features for Siri virtual assistant will be able to hear what you say if you have access to the Microphone. If you don’t use the Hey Siri feature to quickly call Siri, turn it off by Open the app Setting > scroll down and select Siri & Search > and turn off the feature Listen to “Hey Siri” Go.

While Siri will still use the microphone when you call on this virtual assistant, the ability to actively hear your voice from the microphone in standby is no longer available.

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Siri & Search SettingsListen to Hey Siri

Of course, there are apps that eavesdrop on you, just because you give them access to the microphone on your device, you should select the most trusted apps to provide microphone access to those apps. use that.

Hopefully through the above article, you will understand more about how the services collect user information to serve their advertising needs, as well as how to stop providing application permissions for which applications are using. use your microphone.

See more:

Source link: Ways to prevent apps from accessing microphone on iPhone
– https://techtipsnreview.com/

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