Win 10 can detect and prevent you from using pirated software

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According to the source that techtipsnreview updated, Microsoft has recently added a new clause to the EULA user agreement, which applies to Windows 10 users. will check your entire computer system for new software updates and automatically download those updates.

However, along with a full system check, Microsoft will detect unlicensed software and games, as well as unauthorized peripherals. From there this operating system may deny access, until you get the latest updates. Of course, only if you have registered to use software and copyrighted games.

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This new term makes many people worry that the use of pirated software and games will be discovered. Besides, the terms related to unauthorized peripherals make many people difficult to understand, not knowing that the devices on this list are the ones of unknown origin or listed on the stolen list.

Understand more clearly, Windows 10 will scan your entire system to detect which software has new updates and will update automatically. From there, the system can detect pirated software and games, because normally, pirated software will not receive updates. Windows 10 will stop accessing these software until it has the latest updates installed.

However, it is not clear whether Microsoft will provide information about the use of pirated software to third parties. Because this can be evidence for software companies to sue the use of software that is not copyrighted.

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Currently, Microsoft has not released any comment or clear explanation about this new term. It is clear that these terms will cause particularly serious user privacy concerns. Even worse, we will no longer be able to use cr @ ck softwares.

Reference: Digitaltrends

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Source: Win 10 can detect and prevent you from using pirated software
– TechtipsnReview

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