Detailed & easy-to-understand instructions for using Pangolin flooring

Introducing Pangolin floor

Pangolin is a decentralized exchange according to the AMM mechanism with a similar structure Uniswap, but developed on the Avalanche blockchain platform, allows trading of Avalanche and Ethereum assets with low fees. Transaction fees on the exchange are calculated using AVAX – the main token of Avalanche.

Instructions for creating an Avalanche wallet and transferring AVAX to the wallet

If you already have an Avalanche Wallet and AVAX tokens, skip this step and go to step 2.

How to create an Avalanche Wallet

Access: >> Click Create New Wallet.

Choose Generate Key Phase.

Tick ​​confirms that you have saved it Key Phrase (Pass Phrase), then click Access Wallet.

Note: Key Phrase This is very importantin case you are logged out and forget your password, you can use it to recover your wallet, but if you lose it Key Phrase then it means that you will lose your wallet and all assets in the wallet. Therefore, I advise you to save and secure it carefully, you can write it down on paper to be sure!

Fill in the missing words in Key Phrase then click Verify.

Click Access Wallet to access the wallet.

Below is the newly created Avalanche wallet screen, you can see the wallet address in the red box.

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You can refer to the list of exchanges AVAX above CoinMarketCap then buy on the exchanges.

Transfer AVAX to Avalanche Wallet

You transfer AVAX purchased on the exchange to the Avalanche wallet address created from step 1.

Note: Avalanche wallet addresses start with “x-avax1”.

Instructions for setting up Avalanche on Metamask wallet

Install Metamask

If you have not installed and own a Metamask wallet, you can refer to the following articles: Instructions for installing and using Metamask

Create new Ethereum wallet or import created Ethereum wallet

Brothers create Ethereum wallet on Metamask. If you already have an Ethereum wallet, you just need to use the Private key to import the wallet.

Connecting Metamask to Avalanche

Unlock Metamask >> Select Settings >> Choose Add Network.

Enter the following Avalanche information:

  • Network Name: Avalanche Network
  • New RPC URL:
  • ChainID: 0xa86a
  • Symbol: AVAX
  • Explorer:

Choose Save.

Add Pangolin token (PNG) to Metamask

Select tab assets, click Add Tokens.

Select tab Custom tokens then enter:

  • Token Contract Address: 0x60781C2586D68229fde47564546784ab3fACA982
  • Token Sympol: PNG

Choose NEXT.

You can see the PNG token displayed in the asset list.

Note: Please click on the red box to copy the Metamask wallet address to send AVAX up quickly.

Instructions to send AVAX to Metamask wallet connected to Avalanche

Go to the link: the stored phase pass in step 1 to reopen the Avalanche wallet by clicking Access Wallet.

Then enter the saved passphrase above:

So you have entered the main control screen of the wallet.

Transfer chain to AVAX

Click Cross-Chain in the menu bar on the left. In the section Destination Chain, choose C Chain (Contract).

Enter the amount of AVAX you want to transfer into the box Transfer Amount. You see the transfer fee and then click Confirm.

Send AVAX to Metamask wallet

Choose Send.

Select Source chain as C >> Enter the amount of AVAX you want to send >> Enter the Metamask wallet address copied in step 2.

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See details gas fee and click Confirm.

Instructions to connect the wallet to the exchange


Choose Connect to a wallet in the left corner of the screen or click Connect Wallet.

Choose Metamask >> Select the account you have previously set up Avalanche, click next.

Click Connect to connect.

Experience the functions of Pangolin floor

SWAP Tutorial on Pangolin

You do the same for Uniswap or other AMMs:

Choose 2 properties want to swap >> Enter the amount of the 1st coin, the 2nd coin will adjust itself according to the corresponding amount.

Then click Swap (Because I don’t have AVAX, the system will say Insufficient AVAX balance).

  • Look closely at the gas fee and confirm the transaction in the Metamask wallet.

Note: There will be a message indicating that you may swap at an unfavorable rate if the input amount is too large in an inefficient pool, then you just need to reduce the amount you want to swap again. .

Instructions for setting up Interface and transaction information

Click on the icon Setting next to the wallet address.

Installation information includes:

  • Level inflation (slippage) maximum acceptable.
  • The longest duration for 1 transaction.
  • Choose dark or light mode.
  • Open expert mode or not (Note: Expert mode is not recommended as it accepts infinite slippage).

Instructions for adding liquidity to POOLS

Click on the tab Pools.

There are 2 options for you:

  1. Add to an existing liquidity pool.
  2. Create a new liquidity pool if the token pair that wants to add liquidity does not exist.

Option 1: Add liquidity to an existing pool

Choose PoolAdd Liquidity.

Select the token pair you want to add liquidity.

Enter the amount of the first token you want to deposit, the number of the second token will be calculated equivalent to the value of USD 1:1 >> Click Supply.

Choose Confirm Supply and confirm the transaction in the MetaMask . wallet.

Option 2: Create a new liquidity pool

If you do not see the token pair you want to add liquidity, you can create a liquidity pool yourself right on Pangolin.

Note: The price of the token pair is determined by the deposit rate. For example, you deposit 1 PNG and 5 DAI, so the initial price will be 1 PNG = 5 DAI or 1 DAI = 0.2 PNG.

Choose PoolCreate a pair.

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Choose a token pair, for example here I choose PNG/DAI. Enter the amount you want to add liquidity. Then click Supply.

Click Create Pool & Supply.

Liquidity pool management

Once you have created a new liquidity pool or added liquidity to an existing pool, a list of participating pools will appear and allow you to manage and delete the pool at any time.

Click Manage >> Information you can see:

  • Pool token: The number of LP tokens held.
  • Pooled Token #1.
  • Pooled Token #2.
    • Your pool share: The percentage of liquidity you participate in the pool.

How to withdraw liquid capital:

  • Choose Manage>> Choose Remove >> Decide the number of tokens you want to withdraw, in the picture I choose 100%.
  • Choose Remove and Confirm to confirm and confirm the transaction on Metamask.

How to add liquidity

  • Choose Manage >> Choose Add >> Enter the number of tokens you want to add to the liquidity pool. In the picture, I add 1 PNG and the equivalent AVAX number to add is 0.03523371.
  • Choose Supply and Confirm Supply and confirm the transaction on Metamask.

Instructions for mining liquidity on Pangolin

First, you have to make sure you have participated in more liquidity (completed instructions above) to have LP tokens (PGL) to participate in Liquidity Mining (liquidity mining) to get PNG.

1. Deposit PGL

  • Select tab PNG (Liquidity Mining).
  • Select the pool you want to join, click Deposit.
  • Choose Deposit PGL tokens.
  • Enter the amount of PGL you want to deposit and click Aprrove.
  • Select Deposit and confirm the transaction.

2. Claim PNG

Case 1: Claim PNG without withdrawing PGL

  • Choose Manage next to the pool you deposit PGL.
  • Choose Claim under Your unclaimed PNG.
  • Choose Claim again and confirm the transaction via Metamask.

Case 2: Claim PNG and withdraw PGL tokens from the pool

  • Similar to case 1, but in step 2, instead of choosing Claim, brother Select Withdraw.
  • Choose “Withdraw & Claim”.
  • Transaction confirmation in Metamask.


So, I introduced you to Pangolin floor and instructions on how to use Metamask in the most detailed and easy to understand way!

If you have any questions or problems at any step, please comment at the end of the article, or follow & join the channels below for the fastest support from the admins!

Best regards and see you in the next posts!

Source: Detailed & easy-to-understand instructions for using Pangolin flooring
– TechtipsnReview

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