Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel

In this article, I will show you how to use the Sumproduct function to calculate the total amount of a product in Excel.

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How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel

1. For example, the SUMPRODUCT function below calculates the total amount spent.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel

Explanation: the SUMPRODUCT function does this calculation: (2 * 1000) + (4 * 250) + (4 * 100) + (2 * 50) = 3500.

2. The regions must be the same size or Excel will display the #VALUE! error.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel 16

3. The SUMPRODUCT function will specify non-numeric cells to have a value of 0.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel 17

4. If you provide a unique range, the SUMPRODUCT function will produce the exact same results as the SUM function.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel 18


The SUMPRODUCT function is an extremely versatile function and can produce the same results as many of Excel’s built-in functions and even array formulas!

1a. For example, the COUNTIF function below counts the number of cells containing β€œstar”.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel 19

1b. The SUMPRODUCT function below has the same result.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel 20

1 C. The COUNTIF function below counts the number of cells containing the word β€œstar” + 1 character. The question mark (?) represents 1 character.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel 21

1d. The SUMPRODUCT function is not perfect! You cannot use wildcard characters (? and *) when using the SUMPRODUCT function.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel 22

2 a. The array formula below counts the number of characters in a range of cells.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel 23

2b. The SUMPRODUCT function below has the same result.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel 24

3a. The array formula below calculates total sales in 2018.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel 25

3b. The SUMPRODUCT function below has the same result.

Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel 26

In addition, you can also see many other excel articles here.

Source: Lesson 112: How to use the Sumproduct function in Excel
– TechtipsnReview

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