Cancel 3G Viettel, Vina, MobiPhone, syntax to cancel 3G service of carriers

Canceling 3G is a necessary thing when we no longer have the need to use 3G, mobile internet anymore, to avoid not using it, we still need to know the appropriate time to cancel, follow the article below will definitely be very helpful for you.
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Currently, the use of Mobile internet, 3G is an essential need of every smartphone user, using the network is necessary anytime, anywhere for work, but also for some reason we If you need to cancel 3G temporarily, or cancel 3G for a while when you don’t need to use it, please remember the syntax below, we will provide all 3 syntaxes to cancel 3G Viettel, Vina, MobiPhone with notes. Besides, when you need to use 3G again, you often read the articles of registering for 3g viettel, registering for 3g vinaphone and register 3g mobile phone

Huy 3G Viettel

Cancel 3G Viettel, Vina, MobiPhone, syntax to cancel 3G service of carriers

To cancel 3G viettel, you compose the message according to the syntax:

+ HUY sent 191.

+ Fee for the first number 191: 100 VND / message.

+ Note that you should cancel before the last day of the month you are using, because at 0:00 of the 1st of every month viettel will also charge the next month’s monthly subscription fee. .

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+ When canceling, the remaining data traffic will be gone and you will not be able to access 3G anymore.

Huy 3G Vina

To cancel 3G Vina, you compose a message with the following syntax:


+ Fee for first number 888: Free.

+ Example: HUY MAX sends 888.

To cancel 3G MobiPhone, you compose a message according to the syntax:


+ Fee for first number 999: 200 VND/ 1 message

+ Example: HUY MIU sends 999

To cancel 3G Vietnamobile, you compose a message according to the syntax:

+ HUY TONG FEES send 345

+ Charge for the first number 345: Free

+ Example: HUY D10 sends 345
So above we have guided you how to cancel 3g Viettel, Vina, MobiPhone with the way to cancel 3g of Vietnamobile operator, please remember these syntaxes, it is also quite simple so that we don’t need it every time we need it. Had to call the switchboard to ask again.

Source: Cancel 3G Viettel, Vina, MobiPhone, syntax to cancel 3G service of carriers
– TechtipsnReview

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