Lesson 56: How to create a search dialog box in Excel

In this article, I will show you how to create your own search dialog in Excel. If you enter a search command in cell B2, Excel will search through column E and the results appear in column B.

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Lesson 56: How to create a search dialog box in Excel

How to Create a Search Dialog in Excel

first. Select cell D4 and type the command SEARCH absolute reference to cell B2.

2. Double-click the lower-right corner of cell D4 to quickly copy the function to other cells.

Lesson 56: How to create a search dialog box in Excel 9

Explanation: the SEARCH function is used to find the position of a substring in a string. The SEARCH function is not case sensitive. For Tunisia, the string β€œuni” is found at position 2. For the United States, the string β€œuni” is found at position 1. The lower the position, the higher the ranking.

3. Both United States and United Kingdom return 1 (duplicate). Adjust the formula as shown below to remove error cells.

4. Again, double-click the lower-right corner of cell D4 to quickly copy the formula to other cells.

Lesson 56: How to create a search dialog box in Excel 10

Explain: jaw ROW Returns the row number of the cell. If we divide the number of rows by a large number and add it to the result of the function SEARCHwe will have non-duplicate values ​​of cells in the same position.

However, these small numbers will not affect search rankings. United States currently has a value of 1,00006 and United Kingdom has a value of 1,00009. We also added the IFERROR function. If a cell has an error (when the string is not found), it is left blank (β€œβ€).

See more:  Lesson 53: How to delete blank rows in Excel

5. Select cell C4 and insert the RANK function as shown below.

6. Double-click the lower-right corner of cell C4 to quickly copy the formula to other cells.

Lesson 56: How to create a search dialog box in Excel 11

Explain: The RANK function returns the rank of a number. If the third argument is 1, Excel will rank in ascending, . Since we added the ROW function, all values ​​in column D are unique. Therefore, the ranks in column C are also unique (no constraints).

7. We will use the VLOOKUP function to return the countries found (lowest ranking first,…) Select cell B4 and insert the VLOOKUP function shown below.

8. Double-click the lower-right corner of cell B4 to quickly copy the formula to other cells.

Lesson 56: How to create a search dialog box in Excel 12

9. Change the text color of the numbers in column A to white and hide columns C and D.


Lesson 56: How to create a search dialog box in Excel 13

In addition, you can also see many other excel articles here.

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Source: Lesson 56: How to create a search dialog box in Excel
– TechtipsnReview

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